The natural environment is very changeable so it is always advisable to wear, even in summer, garments that protect us from the cold, water and wind.
Thermal oscillations during an excursion can be significant at any time of the year depending on the local meteorology, the altitude, the orientation of the road, the existence or not of trees, etc.
Carrying everything you need with you will make the excursion safer and more enjoyable.
Make a list and check before leaving that you are not missing anything.
If you are going to move through high areas, where there may be refrigerators, you will need to carry:If you're going to move through high ground, where there may be snow, you'll need to carry it:
If you are going to spend the night you must include:
Remember that mountaineering and hiking are not risk-free sports when performed in a changing and sometimes dangerous environment. In this sense, SENDITUR advises that everyone should be cautious and responsible in the mountains and during the performance of the activity, not taking responsibility for possible setbacks that the information and descriptions provided may cause. Likewise, SENDITUR advises you to equip yourself correctly and according to the activity to be carried out. In order to do so, we provide you with a series of lists with the basic basic equipment that should not be missing from our rucksack.
If you are going to spend the night you must also include:
Always carry one among your basic material, it will help you to solve small unforeseen events.
We recommend that you include in it and always under the supervision of your doctor:
For cleaning wounds:
To prevent other problems:
Remember to always carry in your medicine cabinet the leaflets of all the medicines or a summary of their indications and dosage. Don't forget to renew them periodically and check the expiration dates. Above all, remember that the medicine cabinet is for your personal use and that: